Pruning the Branches …



The world needs more Sheila’s.

I don’t know her last name, but I do know that I was
deeply touched by her presence at the hotel where I was
staying last week to lead the annual Diocesan Retreat for
our Catholic School principals and administrators.

Sheila was our waitress during the three days we stayed
in Ocean City, Maryland. She was there at 6 a.m. to get
coffee for the earlier risers among us, and she stayed
until our last evening session of prayer and reflection.
Nothing was too much trouble for Sheila, and she did
everything with a kindly smile and a gentle heart.

At one point, as I was sitting with a principal who was
sharing some difficult personal challenges, Sheila
happened to walk by and noticed my table companion
was crying. Without saying a word, she simply came
over and handed her a box of tissues, placed her hand
on her shoulder momentarily, and then returned to sorting
silverware for breakfast. It was one of the kindest things I
have seen someone do for a stranger in a long time.

I am sure that many visitors to that beach hotel take
Sheila’s presence and her service for granted. Quite
frankly, we often overlook the hidden, humble ones who
make momentary appearances in our daily, often-hectic
lives (at least I do). And yet, Sheila’s gentle love for all of
us reminded me of the power of Jesus’ words in today’s
Gospel: “If you remain in My Love, you will bear much

How blessed we are to have people like Sheila to remind
us of our calling as branches on the Vine.